As a direct lender, Socotra Capital can help get you the cash you need for your hard money, private money, or bridge loan needs within 10 days or less.
Our equity-based loans are available in communities across the country, allowing you to secure funding—when a conventional loan isn’t possible.
Socotra Capital specializes in funding loans to borrowers with minimal underwriting, easier guidelines, and faster closing. We offer various loan products including: Fix and Flip, Cash out Refinance, Cannabis, and Bailouts. Our loans focus on real estate and equity, not borrower qualifications.
Our borrowers know they can rely on us. We pride ourselves on speed and clear communication.
“I’ve been working with the team at Socotra Capital for some time now. No matter where on [the] complexity range your project falls, you can bank on the focus and expertise of this group. The more challenging the project, the higher the probability of success.”
John Leonard
Leonard Development Company
As a direct lender we have the ability to close quickly, in 5 days or less! We work with all types of credit scores, property types, and timelines. Let’s find out if a private money loan fits your needs.
Download The Borrowers Guide: Process, Preparedness, and Timeline
Real estate investors and business owners use our cash-out refinance bridge loans to take advantage of a hot opportunity, cover payroll, fund a waning escrow, pay off a lender, bail out a troubled loan, or buy out a business partner.